How to Form a Long Term Exercise Habit

Woman using a fitness equipment at home

A habit is an action you perform regularly, almost as if you are on autopilot. You’ve probably heard that, eventually, working out will just become a habit and you won’t even have to think about it anymore. However, when you’re just starting out it may feel like this elusive day will never come, we tend …

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Best Shoulder Stability Exercises

Woman trying to swing a kettlebell with both hands

Many athletes are prone to shoulder injuries, so it is a good idea to use shoulder stability exercises to strengthen the shoulder joints and correct muscle imbalances. It is incredibly important to keep your shoulders healthy if you want to make progress on your fitness journey. To keep your shoulders tip-top, you need to be …

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10 Tips to Get Your Fitness Back on Track

Woman using her fitness equipment at home

If you’re looking for validation that it’s okay to slip up on your workout sometimes, this is it. You wouldn’t be the first one to slack off on fitness. Everyone finds themselves there once in a while, especially around the holiday season or after an indulgent vacation. The important thing is that you’re set to …

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Best Chest Workout at Home

Man doing chest exercises at home gym

If you’re looking for a toned upper body, you have to start with the chest. You can do the best chest workout at home without much equipment at all. Working on your pectoral muscles helps give you the defined physique you are looking for. You can do the best chest workout at home with just …

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Home Gym Ideas For Any Budget

Silhouette of woman in her garage gym with a kettlebell

Some people love working out at a gym surrounded by other people, but if you’ve been thinking about canceling your gym membership and bringing your workout to your home, we’ve got a few home gym ideas to help you get started. Don’t worry if it seems overwhelming when you’re starting from scratch — you can …

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Guide to the Best Exercises for Women

Woman trying to swing a kettlebell with both hands

Women have different workout concerns than men. While women and men can do all the same exercises, women’s bodies are built differently. Therefore, they should have unique workouts that take these differences into consideration. ​Working Out for Women One of the most common mistakes women make when planning out their workouts is neglecting the upper …

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Best Full Body Free Weight Exercises

Woman lifting dumbbells to her sides with each hand

Free weights are any type of weight that can be used without restricting your movements. This usually refers to dumbbells, but barbells are also included in the free weight category. They are some of the most versatile weights you can find. You can do free weight exercises to tone every part of your body. In …

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The Best 5 Day Workout Plan for Results

Home gym complete with kettlebells, ab roller, dumbbells and a green mat

One of the most popular workout regimes among people who are serious about training is a five day workout program, sometimes called a five day split. This type of workout plan is an excellent choice for adding muscle to your frame. It involves working a different muscle group every day, and comes together as the …

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How Long to Start Seeing Results from Working Out?

Person using an ab roller

Starting a new workout routine can become exhausting when you haven’t seen any results. Sometimes you feel like you are working as hard as you can. You’ve made changes to your diet and you’re going to the gym every day, but you’re still not seeing any real changes.  ​​How Long to See Results from Working …

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Best Pre Workout Routine Before Working Out

Vitamin tablet fizzing on a glass of water

If you find you are looking for more energy throughout your workout, you should consider trying a pre-workout supplement. Pre-workout is designed to boost your energy levels and power throughout your workout as well as keep you focused. Almost every pre-workout is different, but they typically contain a combination of carbs, B vitamins, and antioxidants. …

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